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Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The Perfect Friend For Me.

Hey Everyone! In this post I'm going to talk about the perfect friend for me, basically, what qualities a good friend should have. I'm going to keep it quite short, i hope you enjoy !
So these are the qualities:
  • Generosity
One thing teenagers always need is money and food! Now, I don't mean you should start treating you friends like a bank and restaurants, but sometimes when you're going out and your low on cash, theres always that one friend who will help you out.
  • Honesty
This is very important to me. I always say to my friends if i am being annoying or i have done something wrong, they should feel comfortable enough to come and speak to me directly about it. So we can solve the problems together. The best friendships are usually private, so we keep problems between ourselves.
  • Loyalty.
One thing I hate is betrayal, i have been betrayed too many times. So many times infact that I don't trust anymore, if i'm going through a problem i usually deal with alone. We all need that perfect friend who we can rely on to speak to when we are feeling down, sometimes we cant just do it alone.
  • Reliability.
We all need someone who is there for you when ever you need them, always ready to talk, never neglecting you. Someone who you can count on to give you good advice and support. 

Those are just a few main foundations for the perfect friend of course there are other things like personality for example but these were things that I wanted to cover.
Remember to tell me about anything interesting that has happened in your life so far, i might even write a post about it! Please comment! and if they are any enquiries or comments or if you have a problem and you need some help with it, you can email me :


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